Romanescu Salomeea


Romanescu Salomeea




Mithra MIDNIGHT”s Light of Mankind through the Living Portal of the Unity

The Soul's Journey through the Seven Valleys to the Cup of Eternal Love


 Prayer at Midnight

Oh, You, My Life, My Soul!


From Thy eternity’s fragrant streams let me taste,

Oh, my heart!

and from Thy being tree’s buds, allow me to carve,

Oh, You, my Hope!

From Your love’s crystalline springs, let me listen to your symphony,

Oh, my Glory and

to Your immortal shadow of the Soul, let me dream,

Oh, my Light!

On the meadows approaching You and before Your presence, let me look at you,

Oh, You, my Life,

and to the right of Thy mercy throne, seat me,

Oh, my Wish!

Out of Your joy’s balmy breezes, a breath let me feel through me,

o, my Muse, 

and on Thy reality’s paradise hights let me waltz,

Oh, You, my Adored!

the song of Thy uniqueness’s dove, let me paint it

Oh, You, the Shining One,

and through the spirit of Thy power and force, inspire me

Oh, You, my Benefactor!

In the spirit of Your love make me stay rock,

Oh, You, my Support,

and on the flight of Thy mercy, strengthen my wings,

Oh, You, my Moulder!

In Thy immortality’s garden, in front of Thy face, let me forever sing,

Oh, You, the merciful one with me,

and in the armchair of Thy glory, seat me,

Oh, You, my Master!

In Thy love’s soft sky, longingly lift me up,

O Thou, my Inspirer, 

and to Thy guidance’s Evening Star, lead me,

Oh, You, who draw me to You!

In front of the unseen spirit, through revelations, call me,

O, You, my Origin and Supreme Desire,

and to the fragrant essence of Thy beauty, thou wilt reveal it to me,

let me return, O, Thou, Who art my Soul!


To acknowledge the Manifestation of Your Self, I kissed your mist!

golden-purple thanks I am now coloring, My Earthly Daddy!

on a Purplish-blue star from the Great Chariot!

for Thy enemies unseen by love in the stars You have crowned me!


with vibrant thanks You danced for Me, oh, Shiva!

on a sidereal rainbow wave from the Sun!

their hideous deeds before my mirrors You have revealed to me

with spiral longing I thank You, waltzing, oh Shakti!


Soul, Zeus-like drill pinky Rose!

Of any weakness towards them You have masterfully cleansed me, your seed to spin,

whirlwinds of Rosy loves, thanks You sang to me, oh, Kamadeva!

on - a greedy foot of rainbow galaxy!


and Thou hast lovingly sprinkled me upon Thy graces and pyramids full of suns, that I may return.

with divine plasmatic rays I thank You, now, oh, Mithra!

Soul, Divine White - Gold Rose!

Peace in the Heart you descended from the clouds of Your will, You consecrated Me,

by the love of the golden primordial fields, I thank You now, Oh, Brahman!


A  Midnight Seed in the Soil of Your Love Molded I am


 Oh, my Mother Mithra, just a little seed

in the soil of Your love planted by infinite Non-existence

to sprout through the hand of Thy mastery Thou hast done it. strong

This Thy seed, in the innermost being,

is full of longing for your love’s, your hapiness’ deep waters

and of Thy grace’s mother spring of life-giving water and fountain-sun.

Come over her, from Thy heavens tender mercies, waters

with good thoughts and words to blossom at the foot of Your shadow

and within the borders of the peace of the sunny garden of Thy court.

You are the One who soaks the hearts of all who have known You

from Your generous stream and from Your life-giving waters’ cascade - wave.



Her high forehead mirrors of the dynamic plasma in the wave,

the eyes of beloved presence Mithra, light of the heart.

divine love’s earth flavour, light, living fractal,

of the ears left and right spring, union lust.


Angelic energy, of the Goddess of pure, divine love, Isis

embodied by the flower of life hidden in a dream- heart,

The alchemy of the sacred flame of pure, divine love, Isis

I am the Goddess Shakti - the gate of Light from the heart,


Existence energy in long plaits in connection

with the soul of the galaxy, I, Mithra, in holy alignment,

records of the Akashic library, codes-union,

Ebony endless plaits, I, Eve, from ancient times.


Since these timelines, from the golden age

In this timeline come, we get rid of the curse,

they bring possibilities, we change lives, the golden age

germination, each potential is the ultimate potential.


At timelines of self-mastery, aligned,

the purpose of the soul and of the reverie of the heart, a living portal.

Transformations in life through iris with a dream painted.

Truth, love and forgiveness, eternal pattern, a living fractal.


Of understanding of creation and of creator’s Mirroring

the gate of Light, courage, healing, discernment

through the third eye, the feminine will in the system,

in the service of the whole life and of the Mother’s living Earth.


Huge force, with its power the seas and mountains moved!

Soul - star common, conceived at the top of the Pyramid!

on the understanding creation, the creator, bend down!

From now on, the feminine energy to look for it under the Pyramid!


With a pious thought I float through its Egyptian Pyramid,

through Mithra's egalitarian alleys give off a smoke flavour

They give birth to pearls of honor, under your divine Pyramid-

Unity they give birth to two roses of dawn’s myrrh, another way.


I am reborn with longing every time, Anxieties born I exchange

In the eternities of pure love. I transcend in space and time

The naive reality, a present illusion, embodying the spirit-desire of the dream,

The thought becomes an attentive presence, making the being iridescent with the rewritten longing.

I want to share my existence between the eternal and the naïve real of the dream,

To crucify my life in the real world, to move it from time into the abyss.



Act I - In the VALLEY OF SEARCH to the Cup of man's life an offering

Choir (recite dancing)

Patience, a Quixotic knight for this vale, a hope in bloom;

without patience, the tireless traveler does not feel the hurting soul

no rocky goal with the heart’s longing flower that dies alive to her

Not even the despair the heart’s anointed king will rise in a living sun;

The teacher of mankind - Abdul Baha

If a hundred thousand years the traveler Sisyphus will strive in ardor,

The ancestors’ imitation traces he will clean of colour with sun

in a hurry the eternal portal of the friendship and love will flourish a living longing

sipping from the soul cup the enmity door he will lock up with a bolt

to all the beings of the blue planet’s white-golden souls-cloud

the heart’s flower, serving target of the love divine treasures in the spring

the loved Friend's contemplation of Beauty is not a mill in the wind,

an unshakable rock is not a hesitant reed dancing in the wind, song.

God be praised - the reborn soul of Mithra

In Love’s Majnún, searches of the windmills, pattern judgment

Majnún one day they met, the sidereal dust sifting bitterly

and from the soul’s cup the purple tears flowing with ember yearning.

-"What are you doing?"…"I'm looking for Mithra."…

“Mithra’s spirit is pure and you are looking for her in the dust! Poor you!”

I'm looking for her everywhere to find her! the thought coming to me hurts!

The true seeker cannot look for anything else with vivid whirl

than the object of his desire with vivid longing he will sing sweaty

the lover has no other desire ... the union with Dulcineea, his sweetheart.

The teacher of mankind

Likewise the seeker, his target, does not longingly reach somehow, sometimes

only if all things, god-like detachedly he will sacrifice them.

all that he has gladly seen, with shivers heard, and with his soul understood,

he will put everything in the void, in the realm’s sublime spirit to enter he will be allowed,

in the good God’s, in the Soul Peace’s eternal City in the sun.

a convict work, if seeking for her, desire is an immortal need;

for zeal, from the honey of the reunion with Him we would yearningly drink;

and from the Creator's cup we will taste, hurriedly we put a latch on the world.

In every universe the tireless traveler suddenly lives by longing-flight

and in every galaxy with joy it suddenly lands in easy flight

God be praised

In every face, the Friend’s beauty, he will always longingly search;

In each solar world, the Beloved, he will hastly in desire-flight search.

In every face, he, his Friend’s beauty will always longingly sing;

to each company He will hastily join he vividly lustly will dance

and with every soul, fellowship, he with pleasure would seek, he will waltz through time

his Girlfriend’s secret in any mind, he would discover the pale color

The teacher of mankind

The Beloved One’s Beauty in a face, gently will contemplate a flower

Only with the help of the greatness of the good Creator’s love cup indeed?

a trace of the Friend without a trace in this journey will find

Joseph's perfume, from the heavenly soil long lost, he will inhale

he will soon step on ...


Act II In the VALLEY OF LOVE to the body soul cup- offering

Choir (sings dancing)

Patience a Quixotic knight to this valley hope in bloom;

without patience, the tireless traveler does not feel the hurting soul

no rocky goal with a flower of longing that dies alive

Not even the despair of the heart’s anointed king will raise in the living sun;

God be praised

In the fire of love to be melted with longing, with longing hastedly thrown away forever

In this fortress, threshold of Paradise of the ecstasy is lightly lifted in eternity

the world’s desiring sun shines in unceasing longing a traveler longing

love’s crazy ruby ember in resonance lit is, alive thrill!

Love’s rose alive thrill in sweet harmony lit is, fire - longing!

to the ashes it burns, to the purple cutting of the reason, it dies alive.

The teacher of mankind

Now the happy traveler no longer has self-awareness, it does not hurt him.

and aware of nothing but Himself, the rainbow dances in the sun.

nor white ignorance and bluish knowledge, he does not feel flavor.

no budding doubt, no violet certainty he sniffs;

the golden morning guidance from the foggy night mistakes he does not taste.

from brown unbelief, and from white-golden faith, he flees on a white cloud

and white song from the poison cup, floral ballet sweet flying balm.

this valley’s Right blind forever and ever his yellow pain is deaf

God be praised

She, the Queen who carved his soul with green growth his silent power

and if steaming pain singing with longing flight is not possible,

Dulcineea journey longing-flight never will be finished with a victory

Through the Bloody halt, apart from the Beloved, no other thought hurts him

and apart from the beloved Friend, no refuge can be his sun

a hundred lives on the path of the Beloved One, joyfully he will sacrifice in the fire

at the feet of the Beloved, with every step a thousand heads he will call into play.

The teacher of mankind

Oh, my Friend! Untill you never enter the Egypt of love

at the Joseph of the Beauty of the Friend you shall not enjoy or smell it

and until, like Jacob, the outside eyes, immediately you do not leave,

the eye of the inner being portal, you shall never open,

and until with the fire of love, you do not burn with alive thrill-longing-flight

with the Lover of Longing you shall never communicate through souls,

God be praised

A lover is not afraid of anything and no evil can come near him

cold in the fire's soul and dry in the sea's breast, he takes out Cupid.

A lover, one who is cold in the fire of ember hell, feels eternally resurrected,

A connoisseur, the one who dried in the sea feels living eternally bathed.

Love does not embrace existence and life he does not beg eternally

He sees life in death and in shame the eternal glory he seeks like a king,

The teacher of mankind

The madness of love, to drink so as not to die of eternal longing is worth it

the man in the sea of health should sink, plenty and forever is worth it

Full of spirit the Friend’s life cup, full of longing ember eternally will be

the neck in His snare caught, Blessed, with love’s eternal flame will be.

Happy is the head that in the dust on the path of the beloved, with love it always full will be

And if, royally bound and confirmed with mercy is by the Creator,

the lover from the claws of the eagle of love, suddenly escaping, will enter ...



Act III - In the VALLEY OF KNOWLEDGE to MAN SOUL cup offering

Choir (sings dancing)

Patience a Quixotic knight to this valley hope in bloom;

without patience, the tireless traveler does not feel the hurting soul

no rocky goal with the heart’s flower of longing that dies alive for him

Not even the despair of the heart’s anointed king will raise in the living sun;

God be praised

and out of the sifted doubt in the uncertain certainty come out with bliss!

and from the darkness of illusion, a white light receive in fullness

of the love of God white-rainbow divine guiding light,

His inner eyes will open rainbow of sunshines

and secretly with his Beloved for a long time in his soul he secretly will discuss,

he, the gate of the crystalline truth portal in the soul, secretly will open.

and of vain piety and imagination, the gates of the heart he will shut

In the rest of the soul, by God's decree he will be satisfied

and the war as peace he alone, through fractals will see painting

in the death the life eternal secrets through the soul he will find flowing!

The teacher of mankind

With his eyes inside and out, with his secrets in eternity he will waltz

the whirling resurrection in the creation realms in eternity he will witness

and from the balmy cup of man souls shall he longingly drink forever,

with a pure heart, his divine wisdom with longing shall he absorb forever,

in the good God's endless manifestations shall he find eternally

in a drop of water, the ocean secrets shall he contemplate eternally

The Heart of the atom shall he Divide and that is the miracle, a supreme eternal mystery!

In him a sun-soul shall he suddenly find a miracle, a sublime eternal mystery!

God be praised

Once there was a lover, who breaking up with his sweetheart since many years,

with longing, he kept sighing in the fire distance, making a mess of his life.

Due to love’s hard mastery, his green heart was empty of patience

life without her was a mockery, he could find no rest in her longing;

time would burn him, he would count, how many days, how many long nights the pain,

by his spirit the tired body, far from sleep he nailed it

his body was worn out by his sleeplessness, the heart wound scream in longings waltzed

for the cup of her presence, he had given a thousand lives to taste it

but it was of no use to him, pearls of pain in a living river had changed him.

The teacher of mankind

The healers did not know any cure for him, unquenchable tears of longing;

doctors for a man ill with love, have no cure for longings

unless the favor of the beloved saves him, spasms of passion give him

due to longing his tree bears the fruit of despair, he could not live in the night

and his hope fire in the ashes fell, he wanted to flee, in living whispers.

God be praised

He suddenly left the house and went to the market, and suddenly he went straight

a guard followed him, in a rush, following him he burst out at once;

then other guards gathered to the tired one, he ran here and there

they forbade every passage, he groaned in tears and wept,

"Surely this guard is' Izrá'íl, the singing angel of death on me;

or the tyrant of the people, to hurt me he is looking for me "

to the one bleeding with the arrow of love and his soul wept, longing.

his Legs took him further to the garden and he arrived in flight

to a garden wall, the wall being large, he climbs it in a hurry and advancing.

and in the garden, with unspeakable pain, forgetting his life he misses himself in longing.

The teacher of mankind

And there the beloved with a lamp in her hand, saw her heart’s desired ring,

searching, when the lover kissed by the heart, looked intensely at his love .

He took a deep breath and put his hands in prayer and lifted them up

shouting, “Oh, Lord! Give thanks to the watchman who protects me from the fire,

riches and long life because the guard Gabriel was, for this unfortunate one

guiding him; or Isráfíl was, giving life to this miserable one! ”

Indeed, his words were true, he had found secret justice,

In the guard's a Fata Morgana, a sea of tyranny, he had seen through the veil.

God be praised

How many secrets were hidden behind the veil of his beloved valley

The dark night of absence lighted him away from the garden path

the light of the reunion, led a sick soul to the healer of hearts

Out of anger, the guard, he who the thirst led him into the wilderness of love

He guided him ... if the lover could have looked at him before, he

from the beginning would have blessed the guard, for him he would have prayed forever

that tyranny he would have appreciated as justice; his end was occult ,

in order to touch the lights of the Beloved he moaned, and at first he wept.

The teacher of mankind

Those who travel in the garden of knowledge, see the end from the beginning,

of communion and prayer, peace in war and friendship in anger they see

on the wings of the assistance of the Holy Souls, as the Friend’s occult

mysteries before you see them, the lights of the Beloved to be able to touch, stand up!

"True, we are from God and we will return to Him."

After passing through the Valley of Knowledge, the ultimate limitation plan,

the traveler is coming ...



Act IV - In the VALLEY OF UNITY to the Blue Planet Soul cup-offering

Choir (recite dancing in ritual)


Patience a Quixotic knight to this valley hope in bloom;

without patience, the tireless traveler does not feel the hurting soul

no rocky goal with the heart’s flower of longing that dies alive for him

Not even the despair of the heart’s anointed king will raise in the living sun;

God be praised

from the Absolute cup he drinks and at the Manifestations of the Unity he looks

In this pause, the veils of the plurality he pierces, the golden dawn he announces

from the worlds of flesh he flees and in the sky of golden loneliness flake he rises.

with the ear of God he hears with God's eye on life

the hand of truth from the Abyss sleeve he sees and Truth he speaks

the power’s secrets he reveals, the mysteries of divine creation he finely looks at.

as an intimate fellow, in the Beloved’s altar and in the Friend’s Sanctuary he walks

The teacher of mankind

He in himself, praising God, finds his own praise.

neither fame nor rank, he sees in his name, he sees God;

"all the songs of the King are and every song proceeds."

Eminence is clearly in the realms of being, all his travels

seen creations, own vision, the seen sun’s joys

with a single brilliance to all things at once he gives brightness

at the will of the King of Manifestation, to the whole creation light gives royally,

in each place, he manifests himself and as a gift, in harmony with those of the potentials

of that place, he throws itself into a disk mirror and his shape he easily reflects,

God be praised

in a crystal fire to appear he makes, only to the mirror he owes himself

in other things only the effect of his brilliance, not the disc still shows himself.

by the command of the Creator, you observe the colors in each object

that seen they become in harmony and resonance with the nature in the object.

in a yellow globe the rays shine yellow, white the white rays are

and in one purple or red, purple or red rays are manifest

various faces from the object are, not from the bright ray light

The teacher of mankind

If a place of light closed will be, covered, walls without light

completely devoid of the splendor of light will be, will not shine

sick souls valley of knowledge in the walls of passion, will close

and with ignorance and blindness he will make clouded and will cover, with the sun

mystical light was the mysteries of the Beloved; the brilliance Lord

beliefs of the Messengers, they deprived him of the wisdom jewel,

for the white shrine and driven out of Ka’bih by closed eyes they were

Here is the value of the people of this age!

God be praised

Man, A pure heart as a mirror is; with the radiance of love

and of separation from all cleanse it, save Him ! the true

sunlight in him to shine and in the morning dawn in my

soul clearly the meaning you will see “Neither my Earth, My heaven

do not contain myself, but the heart of My servant embraces Me rainbow ”

in their hand they will take their lives and in front of the new Beloved, they will throw it

There are many mysteries, but there will not be enough volumes to write them,

the mystery of the Beloved to keep and can not even ended in verses

although no more than a sign. than one word, enough will be,

The teacher of mankind

"Knowledge is one point, but the ignorant have multiplied"

There are only four journeys on the path of love:

From Creatures to True; from True to Creatures;

from creatures to creatures; from True to True.

God be praised

A mountain of visionaries’ flowering branches of life-tree

and the mystical healers’ sprouts from all eras of the man-tree

I did not mention them, copious quotation from the past; I would like it wrongly

for the quotation from the words of others acquired learning, not divine gift

as much as I quoted here is from people's habit respect

beyond the court of this epistle and as to the friends’ waiting

not accepting to tell their words, out of pride does not come,

from the manifestation of wisdom and demonstration of grace it comes to us.

And the traveler, after the high planes of this supreme

travel, he crossed, he enters ...



Act V - In the VALLEY OF CONTENTMENT to the cup-offering of the Universe soul

Choir (sings dancing ritually)

Patience a Quixotic knight to this valley hope in bloom;

without patience, the tireless traveler does not feel the hurting soul

no rocky goal with the heart’s flower of longing that dies alive for him

Not even the despair the heart’s anointed king will raise in the living sun;

God be praised

The winds of divine gratification he feels from the plane of the spirit blowing

with the inner and outer eye, inside he perceives the burning veils

and without all things day:

"God from His abundance will fully compensate each one."

From sorrow to bliss, from anguish to joy He will transform

His grief and mourning for delight and rapture He yields to this valley

although, to outwart view, the travelers can live on dust in this valleys

yet inwardly in the heights of the mystical meaning, they are throned in this valley.

The teacher of mankind

in this plane the traveler to the beauty of the Girlfriend, amazed witness is

from rewards with inner meanings they feed, from holy

cups of the spirit they drink, but in the mysteries garden, you shall not enter

never thy lips on the immortal wine cups, you shall not put

from them you will taste, you will protect your eyes from the wine of contentment you shall drink

you will untie yourself from everything and you will be bound to Him and in His way your life

and your soul you will throw into this world so that you need to forget:

"There was God and there was nothing but Him."

God be praised

He sees the Beloved's face. even in illusion the mystery of reality he looks at

For the veils with his sigh he burned and from the enigma of the Essence he reads

and the covers at a glance he opened with a sharp look,

to the new creation he should look with lucid soul he understands truths with amazement

"And I gave you a sharp look on this day."

After traveling through the plans of pure gratitude, he comes



Act VI - In THE VALLEY OF WONDERMENT – The cup-offering of the Soul of the One Unique

Choir (sings dancing)

Patience a Quixotic knight to this valley hope in bloom;

without patience, the tireless traveler does not feel the hurting soul

no rocky goal with the heart’s flower of longing that dies alive for him

Not even the despair the heart’s anointed king will raise in the living sun;

God be praised

in the oceans of grandeur thrown he sees the freedom essence as impotence

the form of wealth as poverty itself. his wonder slowly grows in essence.

Now with the beauty of the Beloved the exhausted soul was struck dumb

How many roots of mystical trees this whirlwind of wonderment snatched, tired

with his own life because in this valley the traveler in confusion thrown

in the eyes of the one who touched such a marvel, how hugely loved is worldly

and beloved, there is a wondrous world, a new creation he eternally looks upon

and from astonishment to astonishment he is lost in awe at the works of the Lord

of Oneness if we think of every thing created by His Power,

to an ocean of perfect wisdoms always majesticaly he will witness

and a mountain of new truths and wonderful worlds he will sublimely


The teacher of mankind

One of the phenomena created the dream how many secrets there, hidden

how many wisdoms kept, how many worlds concealed, you sleep with closed doors

suddenly you enter a distant city, you see only the rainbows

without using your external eyes without moving your legs

or weary your body, without your ears pricked up, you hear well,

without tongue, you speak, when ten years, will disappear into the world

external even the images dreamed of in the evening, you will witness, in the world

external to many wisdoms in the truth promised to think in a dream,

which no one but the people of this valley, in a deep abyss

can't understand them, what is this world, where without eyes, ear,

hand, and tongue a man uses them all? It's unparalleled!

God be praised

How is it that in this world you have seen today the effect of a gone dream

seen in the world of sleep ten years ago? A wonder dream!

take into account the difference between these two worlds and hidden mysteries

so that at divine confirmations you may come to penetrate mysteries

and in heavenly discoveries and in the regions of holiness to enter into the plan

to the perfection of human creation, reflect ! and to the fact that this plan

and bent and hidden states in it. You, a poor shape, won't waste yourself

when in you is the universe folded? the animal's condition you shall waste

to work until the meaning of humanity shall come to light.

the heart the abode of eternal mysteries, the house of fleeting fantasies, shall not be

the treasure of your precious life with this swiftly passing world!

The teacher of mankind

You come from the holiness of the world - do not bind your heart to the earth - do not pass

A dweller in the court of nearness you are - do not choose the homeland of dust!

After scaling the high summits of wonderment, the traveller arrives


Act VII - In THE VALLEY OF TRUE POVERTY AND ABSOLUTE NOTHINGNESS – the cup offering of the Eternal Love of the Creator’s Soul

The Choir (sing dancing)

Patience a Quixotic knight to this valley hope in bloom;

without patience, the tireless traveler does not feel the hurting soul

no rocky goal with the heart’s flower of longing that dies alive for him

Not even the despair the heart’s anointed king will raise in the living sun;

God be praised

This stop is self-death, the being is poor in the created self

and rich in the Desired One, Poverty - poor in the things of the created world,

God's world rich is in things, when the true lover

and devoted friend in the presence of the Beloved, he reaches the Beloved

and the fire of the beloved's heart shall be kindled, and the veils shall burn

from the heart to the skin, all will be set aflame, everything will burn away, but not the Friend.

The teacher of mankind

When the splendid qualities of the Ancient of Days were revealed to you,

The passing qualities of earthly things Moses suddenly burned.

He who has attained this position of all that is worldly is sanctified.

those who came to the sea of His presence, to the setting sun.

None of the things of this perishable world they should own!

Whether external wealth or personal opinions, they should not own!

For any limited creatures by their own limits are blinded

and all the True One sanctified from infinite limits are nourished

to be deeply meditated so that the intention they could clarify

"The righteous a glass of wine, at the camphor fountain, could drink"

O, friend of Mine, with soul and heart listen to all the songs of the spirit

and as your eyes keep them, all the cups of wisdom that delight

for the sky of spring, on earthly hearts alive will not rain forever

and the grace of the All-Bounteous One will not be quiet forever

and for every age a portion of wisdom is destined

and a separate reward, equally to each in longing offered!

God be praised

Oh, son! Not every sea has, just for you, white-black pearls;

not every branch, just for you, will always bloom in the eternal sun

and no living nightingale, only for you eternally on her will not sing

before in the mystical paradise the nightingale will ever be repaired.

in the garden of God, first it will sing, dance, fly

and the heavenly rays of morning sinuously will waltz, paint, carve

of the mystical paradise, to the Source of Truth, an Only Eternal Sun.

to return to the center, the Golden-White soul of Abyss in Motion

The teacher of mankind

As in the dustheap of the mortal world a lot of dust, fragrance of his eternal garden

May live in the shadow of the dusty people in His garden

You will reach this highest stop, you will reach the heavenly plan,

then with much love to the Beloved you will look at and forget whatever,

They have no visible end, only those who in the space-time world descend

the invisible confirmation on the soul travellers divinely descends

God be praised

The Guardian of the Cause helps them that these seven cups-valleys in seven steps,

be able to cross in seven breaths, or in one without steps

Only if the good God wishes and wants! And this is

"His grace on His servants as He pleases."




The Blue Planet’s Soul, you, rise at Midnight!


The plasma rays of the divine cosmic orchestra,

Spiral sacred geometries, Qualic Soul,

The harmony of perfect living, morphic resonance,

Hides the flower of life in the wonderful living body.


Emerged from the wave of the horizon, from living plasma,

From the holy breath, from the magic, pure love

Inside the blue Planet, now be it!

Boundless light, winged immortality.


The released light of the great dark fire, the released one

through pain and toil, the star in You,

Through your own struggle, your handcuffed star,

Will flourish into a new life, through Me.


Key Mystery, spiral of the soul, Intention,

Knowledge and Wisdom-enlightenment,

Beloved Man, do not forget the pure Secret, the Intention.

Desire, moving plasma Seeds,


Plasmatic soul be creative, be patient.

be good, do good, think well,

be Light, soul, be generous. be helpful

be gentle, be friendly, I feel you alive in me!


From the dance of the divine plasmatic rays, My soul, You created it!

You, from the same plasmatic moving substance, all of humanity you made,

You in order to all people belong to the same family, you commanded,

In Your Holy presence, all Your servants are Your mirror

and all mankind under Your Tabernacle is sheltered!

All of them, from Your abundant golden fields have been watered

and all of them by the light of Thy Knowledge are in the Soul enlightened.

from the dance of the divine plasmatic rays of all souls in the Universe, You, Creator!

You, loving proton, to all of them you are good, you have taken care of everyone!

Everyone in your Unicos electron is attracted and to everyone you give life.

All of them with divine talents and mountains of your qualities you have endowed them

and everyone in the Ocean of Your Plasma Mercy is deeply immersed.

from the dance of the divine plasmatic rays, the blue planet’s gravitational Soul you created!

of the Blue Planet Religions, to Agree, Allow Them!

May all, everyone, like the drops of an ocean – family, look at each other, unite the nations!

and everywhere on earth, at their home let them feel!

May all, like the flowers of a tree in celestial sacred symphony, live, Do!

of the first divine ray, through the Soul, You the Creator of the One, Attract them!

The dove of the unity of mankind, Ascend, with the sky of Totality to Fraternize!

of Adam, You Creator, through the dance of divine plasmatic rays!

Found the Supreme Peace on the Blue Planet!

Through the dance of the divine plasmatic rays of Eve, Mithra, of Shakti, Creator You are!

Cement their hearts together! In unison with the planet mother's heartbeat, may them beat

and the Sun’s Soul in the Universe and Unicos, in holy alignment in unison may them beat!

Oh, You, good Father of Totality, Lord God!

Hearts, with the scent of Your love, Delight us!

Eyes, with the Light of Your Guide, Enlighten Us!

Ears, with the symphony of Your Word, Charm us!

and in the Citadel of Thy Providence, shelter us!

Oh, You, the Creator of the Soul of Humanity!

Truly, before Your threshold, I invoke You and implore You,

May all Your Knowledge descend upon these souls, praying You!

for Your goodness and Your Truth, Prepare them!

Oh, Lord, the Totality’s Source!

in the life flower’s harmony, all souls Unite them

and in a spark, bind the flowers of hearts together!

and by the signs of Your holiness and oneness, spirits revive!

Oh, Lord, all souls’ Single Source!

May these faces radiate with the light of Your uniqueness, Do!

The powers of Your servants swing in the duty of Your kingdom, Strengthen!

O, You, Who from absolute love, forgive infinitely!

O, Thou Master of endless steadfast mercy!

O, Lord of the portal of forgiveness and indulgence!

Pass our sins through the portal of the human soul, forgive us!

Forgive us all our sins and to the gate of the kingdom of Your forgiveness, to return make us!

The kingdom of the strength and power, humble at Your holy grave, enlightenment invoking,

and before the glory of the proofs of Thy Knowledge, we submissively absorb enlightenment through the soul.

Oh, Lord God, you are Love, you are peace and harmony!

Like the waves of the sea, like the flowers of the garden, Make us!

and in the harmony of the sacred geometry, United,

through the miracles of Your love. divine, endless,

Oh, Lord, the Totality’s Creative soul!

Chests, through the signs of Your uniqueness, Swell!

and all mankind like the stars, do!

On the same heights of glory, let them shine

like the perfect fruits in Your tree of Being, Growing.

You are the Strong and Mighty Proton,

You are the Forgiving and  of your creation Electron lover

From the primordial Neutron!

We are melting into a Neutron!?




ROMANESCU SALOMEEA holds a PhD in the History of International Relations and European Integration - European Integration of Central and Eastern European Countries and Postgraduate European Studies - Center International pour la Formation Europeenne - International Center for European Training (CIFE), Nice, France and Department of Political Science and European Affairs, University of Cologne, Germany. He has a European Master in Human Rights and Democratization - Human Rights and the Democratization Process. University of Padua. He is interested in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding for Representatives of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, UNITER Geneva, - UN, Landegg Academy, Switzerland, Studied 24 foreign languages ​​including Sanskrit and Hindi - through studies at the National Institute of Languages and Oriental Civilizations, France, University of Bucharest.She is interested in creating a new integrative theory of knowledge that brings together the natural, social, applied sciences, worldview and ethics that will lead to the creation of an international system that will create peace through literary work dedicated to the theory of everything but also through thesis of Postgraduate Academic Studies in International Relations and European Integration, National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest and studies of spirituality and quantum medicine, in the training of the leaders of the world spiritual-informational elite, cosmomanism, cosmology, history of religions. His theory is applied in his poetic work but also in his profession of Business Advisor, Coordinator Training Cycle and training of trainers in the field of management of structural instruments and European affairs, Ministry of Public Finance, Ministry of European Integration. He was a School inspector, Ministry of National Education.She has published Poems for children - Poems for children, philosophical poetry in numerous Anthologies with philosophical poetry awarded first place nationally and internationally. The poem of the healing of humanity encrypts the Theory of Everything capable of secreting a peaceful, integrated societal model of earthly soul happiness.


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