Giuseppina Giudice


Giuseppina Giudice 




The silence   listens to

the tormentig  song of my heart,

the song of my sorrow.

In a stranger country,

far away from  what i loved!

I can see furious faces,

suspicious and scared eyes,

running away from me

and then lovely and brotherly hands ,

offering help to me.

My thought,free and nostalgic, wanders

between woods and plains,

of my home beyond the sea.

My body has got  profound  wounds

in the heart.

My language is different ,

but I can understand

the heart’s language!





Il silenzio   ascolta

la nenia struggente del mio cuore,

il canto del mio dolore.

In un paese straniero,

lontano da ciò che mi fu caro!

Vedo  volti irati ,

occhi sospettosi e spaventati

fuggire via da me.

E poi mani amorevoli e fraterne 

che mi offrono aiuto.

Non riesco a dormire!

Vaga il mio pensiero, libero e nostalgico,

tra i boschi e le radure

della mia terra oltre il mare.

Ho ferite sul corpo,

solchi profondi nel cuore.

La mia lingua è diversa,

ma comprendo  quella del cuore!






Tonight, I would light up the stars

one by one, just for you.

Tonight, I would wear the light of your eyes

and I would dance for you under the moon.

Tonight, I would fly into the firmament

with you, in your arms:

the arms of love.

Tonight, I would embrace all my dreams

embracing you, tenderly.

I would love all the world,

loving you.

This night!



Questa notte


Questa notte accenderei le stelle

ad una ad una,solo per te.

Questa notte indosserei la luce dei tuoi occhi

e danzerei per te sotto la luna.

Questa notte volerei nel firmamento

con te,tra le tue braccia:

le braccia dell'amore.

Questa notte abbraccerei tutti i miei sogni

abbracciando te,teneramente.

Amerei tutto ilmondo,

amando te.

Questa notte!




It Was Just Midnight…


It was just midnight and

our last night was running away

from you, from me, from the broken dream.

Our voices, our memories,

everything that was ours

 it was inevitably dispersing

in the morning noise

of a day.

An oppressive silence fell upon us

like soot ,choking every word,

hiding under a thick blanket of fog,

every gesture, every expression of the face.

And a cold, copious dew

permeated the walls,

suddenly too narrow and vacillating,

of our hearts still full of love.



Era già mezzanotte


Era già mezzanotte

e la nostra ultima notte

 correva via

da te ,da me,dal sogno infranto.

Le nostre voci,i nostri ricordi,il nostro insieme

ogni cosa che era nostra

si disperdeva inevitabilmente

nel chiasso mattutino

di un giorno qualsiasi.

Un silenzio opprimente calava su di noi

come fuliggine soffocando ogni parola,

nascondendo sotto una fitta coltre di nebbia

ogni gesto,ogni espressione del volto.

E una rugiada fredda ,copiosa

permeava le pareti,

di colpo troppo anguste e vacillanti,

dei nostri cuori ancora pregni d’amore.




GIUSEPPINA GIUDICE is an Italian writer and poet. She was born in Agropoli (SA) , a town in the south of Italy. She taught at High school for about 41 years. She loves writing and has received a lot of awards and prizes in her Country for poetry and prose. Among the most important  ones: An award received in Rome  by the Italian National Television(RAI);another one in Rome with a medal by Senate; then  an award for her  literary carrier. She won a lot of prizes in literary competions. He novels were presented in a lot of exibitions in Italy and abroad.She is a member of Wikipoesia and has been included  in  the “Roll of  Honour for poetical solidarity”. She was appointed “Academician”twice : by an  italian  cultural association: “Giacomo Leopardi”in Reggio Calabria (2011) and  by “European Cultural Academy for Literature ,Arts and Science” in Rome (2003). The she was appointed “Membru D’Honore” in Mihailesti (Romania) for cultural merits . She obtained a Diploma De Excelenta (Romania 2004). Then “A mention of Honour” 2010 (Salerno) . Twice she was   on the cultural page of an important newspaper ( edited in Napoli).She is  on You tube, with a video by Poeti and Poesia,a publisher from Rome.She wrote articles,poems,rewiews of books on some magazines, local newspapers, and on websites and  published three collections of poems :”Gocce di rugiada” , “Ci saranno altri giorni …come un tempo” , “Nell’isola di pensiero”  and four novels: “Profumo di ginestre e polvere da sparo”;” Amori in prima linea”; “ Una scelta d’amore”;  “Una vita nuova” and some tales . Her lyrics ar  in a lot of italian anthologies and in “ “Contributi alla storia della letteratura italiana. Vol.4°”. Some of her lyrics are included in an anthology published in Romania: “Sentiment Latin” , in  “Un Grito por la Paz”,published  by  Unamos Al mundo Con La Poesia (Mexico) and in OPA  anthology.


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