Izabela Zubko



Izabela Zubko


Doubt In The Shade Of Midnight


I was trying to know the secrets

of your voice

which words smell of flowers


like only rose can hurt


I’ve ceased to distinguish between day and night

the second half of the sky

became as strange as the first one

I don’t know for what I’m waiting more

for you

or for your absence



Wątpliwość w kolorze północy


próbowałam poznać tajemnice

twojego głosu

którego słowa pachniały kwiatami

kalecząc tak

jak tylko róża potrafi


przestałam odróżniać noc od dnia

druga połowa nieba

stała się tak samo obca jak pierwsza

nie wiem na co bardziej czekam

na ciebie

czy na twą nieobecność

At Midnight


December and January

are changing of the guard

leaving behind them

cat paws traces

I start a life

like a pack of cookies

when one ends

I open another

that I wouldn’t become

a black and white




O północy


grudzień ze styczniem

zmieniają wartę

pozostawiając po sobie

ślady kocich łap

zaczynam życie

jak opakowanie ciasteczek

gdy jedno się kończy

otwieram drugie

bym nie stała się


płatkiem śniegu

The Image Of Shadows


I will correct the meaning of the alphabet

for you to speak with the image of

plaited shadows

captured in a moon window

the night will fall

which couldn’t be awaken

the joy will resound

in the staccato pace



Obraz cieni


poprawię znaczenie abecadła

byś przemówił obrazem

splecionych cieni

uchwyconych w oknie księżyca

nastanie noc

której nie będzie można zbudzić

rozbrzmi radość

w tempie staccato




IZABELA ZUBKO – born in 1974 in Warsaw, Poland - poetess, journalist and translator. She was graduated in 2008 from the Literary-Artistic Department at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow. She  is an author of 11 volumes of poetry. Her poems were published in many newspapers in Poland and abroad. They can be found in  many anthologies, too. For example her works there are  in the collection entitled "The poets of our time" and "Anthology of Slavic Poetry".  Izabela Zubko is a winner of numerous poetry competitions. She is a member of: the Union of Polish Writers (ZLP),  the Polish Writer’s Association of 2nd Warsaw Branch (SAP) and the Association of Culture Originators (RSTK). She received two awards of RSTK - silver one (2010) and gold one (2015) in appreciation of her  literary achievements. She also received the statuette of Stanislaw Moniuszko (2016) awarded  her by the Polish Cultural Centre in Lithuania, Decoration of Honor Meritorious for Polish Culture (2017), Bronze Cross of Merit (2018) and Commemorative Medal Pro Masovia (2020).


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